
Hey there! I’m Hamed, a software engineering enthusiast. I’m passionate about all things technology, especially when it comes to software engineering, development, and architecture. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work on various projects, with various frameworks, services, and tools which have helped me grow both personally and professionally.

At the moment, I’m working as a Team Lead/Software Technical Lead at Philips Medical Systems, where I team up with a group of skilled engineers on diverse cloud and on-prem projects. In the past, I’ve participated in the development of scalable solutions and services, with a strong emphasis on high availability and performance. I genuinely believe in the power of teamwork and thoroughly enjoy sharing my expertise with others.

As a mentor, I find great satisfaction in supporting the growth of my colleagues and am constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance the quality of our work. Outside of my software engineering pursuits, you can catch me delving into new technologies and keeping my finger on the pulse of the latest industry trends.